Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I was reading the review of her new album here. Who started this idea that Yoko Ono is a persicuted artist of great talent? Is it a coincidence that the only good songs she recorded are the ones that sound like John Lennon's solo work?

Nitsuh Abebe decries 'the disgusting level of mockery and abuse she gets for the sin of having been so cool that even John Lennon was bowled over.' This conviniently ignores the many, many other things she has done that have garnered the mockery and abuse she is now subject to. In fact, if most people knew more about her personality and actions they would dislike her more, not less, than they do now.

There are some people that deserve our consideration in light of innacuracies in their public personae. Then there are others who are just portraying themselves as victims to recieve attention and fame they never deserved in the first place. As celebrity misfits go, Paul Rueubens has more of my sympathy than Ono ever will.

1 comment:

Little Earl said...

Oh Paul Reubens. Will you ever get a fair shake?