Monday, January 21, 2008

Stone Making Bush Movie; Witty Comment Not Necessary

Oliver Stone Votes for 'Bush' Project

Honestly. I don't even know what to say anymore. How long until "Darfur: the Oliver Stone movie" or "The 2008 Economy: an Oliver Stone film"? Whatever happened to picking slightly more culturally peripheral topics? Does he just sit around and think, "What huge issue of the day does every other filmmaker in the world have the good sense to shy away from at this moment? That? OK, let's do it." Now I'm just waiting for "Microsoft: The Movie."


Anonymous said...

Forget Oliver Stone, have you seen Cloverfield yet? I had low expectations after the initial reviews, but hawt dawg that was one crazy ride. So many OMG WTF is going on?!? moments, and the special effects are great (I especially liked the giant spider thingies in the tunnels). I recommend seeing it in a theater so you can really feel that bass.

yoggoth said...

An Oliver Stone Bush movie actually sounds pretty good to me. Who else could think up something more absurd than the reality?

Anonymous said...

So who's gonna play Bush? I vote for Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He could pull it off. Or maybe Ben Stiller if they wanted a more comedic element.

Little Earl said...

I just hope he uses some better cinematography this time. And stops using all those editing techniques that seem to be cribbed straight out of those America's Most Wanted "dramatic recreation" montages.