This is the equivalent of writing a column about how the Bloods and Crypts don't really like red and blue clothes because they find them stylish. Everyone knows this. Hell, even clever-mediocrity-as-intellectualism think tank Slate.com employs Dahlia Lithwick to write about this issue. "Strict constructionist" is code for "maybe I'll vote against Roe v. Wade".
Perhaps I should be easier on Fish. After all, he's telling me that I shouldn't care about something I already don't care about, which is always nice to hear. Coincidentally, that's often the message of Slate articles as well.
Wow, is it just me or does Stanley Fish have a disturbing resemblance to Antonin Scalia?
Nice edit. This version of your comment sounds jazzy and hip.
Hey, you had time to post this but not your #8 pick? We're sweating with anticipation here!
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