Could you imagine the temptation Hollywood must have felt to dumb down the story of the space race? To smooth out all the uncouth edges of history and make a much more conventionally appealing picture? Fortunately (and apparently, not without some screenwriting conflict) they resisted that temptation, and as a result, The Right Stuff has ended up a refreshingly candid blast of high atmospheric oxygen.
This isn't a cold, distant history lesson. This is a "take off your gloves and reach into the muck of history and scrunch it around in between your fingers" lesson. No patriotic, apple pie cows are left sacred here. The unflappably pure and heroic notion of the Mercury 7 is revealed to have been essentially a masterpiece of public relations - aside from John Glenn, that is, portrayed by Ed Harris as an Eagle Scout from a Norman Rockwell painting.
Just check out this cast: Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Dennis Quaid, Fred Ward, Lance Henriksen, Barbara Hershey, etc., etc. The most surprising revelation at the time, so I hear, was playwright Sam Shepard, appearing as fearless test pilot Chuck Yeager. The revelation: He was a studly lookin' dude. "So not only is he a brilliant playwright," people apparently said to themselves, "he's also ridiculously handsome? Why don't we just kill ourselves now and get it over with?"
Finally, The Right Stuff is one of the only '80s movies where the top-notch special effects are in the service of a completely realistic story. We could have used a few more instances of that kind of story/technology interplay in that decade.
I've never heard of Sam Shepard, but I like this movie.
You've seen it? When?
2 or 3 years ago.
Yoggoth, I believe we rented it quite a while ago back in college.
And LE, just because you were not there at the viewing, doesn't mean it was never seen.
I liked this movie. I thought it greatly helped the "I want to be an astronaut when I grow up" mentality that our society is sorely lacking these days. No one wants to be a rocket scientist any more, they all want to be English Professors or Lawyers.
Yeah, you're right.
Hey, we can't all be astronauts. Some of us have to work for a living...as English professors and lawyers!
....Professors? Where the hell do you live?
It's just lawyers and doctors!
I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about, penguin, but I was referring to yoggoth being a lawyer and little earl's dream of being an English Professor of Rock & Roll, and of course my almost being a rocket scientist.
Pays to have real knowledge of the guys, doesn't it?
I knew about yoggoth ;)
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