Just read that they've decided to give Conan O'Brien's spot to Jimmy Fallon when O'Brien takes over for Jay Leno next year. Seriously, this guy is supposed to fill Conan O'Brien's spot?? I'm just utterly baffled. Does anyone
like Jimmy Fallon? I just don't find him funny one single iota. Zip, zilch, do not pass Go. I thought they'd pick Jimmy Kimmel at least, or is he replacing Letterman? I'm not a big fan of Kimmel either, but goodness gracious he looks like Johnny Carson compared to Fallon.
I don't think anyone's going to watch Late Night anymore. Fallon will become the Katie Couric of late night TV. Zero audience. Go back to making farting noises during the SNL weekly update Fallon. I, for one, will not be watching.
I had similar thoughts upon hearing that Fallon was chosen. Why would someone want to watch Fallon? He doesn't even tell jokes. He just sort of wiggles in front of the camera. Kimmel is patently unfunny, but Fallon will make him look like the lost 6th Marx brother.
Lets keep these great comparisons going!
Fallon will make Bob Saget look respectable.
Fallon will be less well received than Marlon Brando at a nunnery.
Fallon makes a bacon chalupa seem wholesome.
2007 mortgage backed securities are a better investment than Fallon's TV show.
Fallon will make Rupert Pupkin seem like Jerry Langford.
You lost me there LE...
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