Monday, November 30, 2009

The Muppets Do Bohemian Rhapsody


ninquelote said...

I watched this the other day. I liked the arrangement, and my son thought it was hilarious. They have a few other short clips that were made just for the internet also. Very funny stuff.

Herr Zrbo said...

I wish they had kept the parody of the original video going longer, I'd love to have seen Kermit in a jumpsuit strutting around stage.

Little Earl said...

I was wondering the whole time when the hell Kermit was going to show up. I thought, "Maybe he'll be singing the last part," but no, that was Miss Piggy (and how, I might add). But finally, ahh, THERE was Kermit.

Do you think Frank Oz still does some of the voices? Certainly Jim Henson doesn't. Because he's dead.