Monday, April 27, 2009

Name That Sandwich

This post is mainly for Yoggoth, but I found myself answering each question like my baby's health was on the line. I got a 5 out of 10 which I guess wasn't bad, but they had sandwiches on that thing that I'm pretty sure were delicacies to the Incas. How was I to know that there were so many sandwiches in the world! No cheating now.


Herr Zrbo said...

6 out of 10 for me.

Unknown said...

Mmmm, the French Dip sounds de-lic-ious! Meat juices on the side!

8 out of 10 for me.

yoggoth said...

8 out of 10 here as well. How did Peter tie me??

Unknown said...

How did Yoggoth tie me? This makes no sense. More evidence we are in the Matrix.