Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Lists So Far...

I thought I'd do a recap of our Best Movies of the 80's feature. It's now November and the list will soon be falling off the side of the page. Lest you forget, here are our choices so far:

Little Earl -

4. Back to the Future (Zemeckis, 1985)
5. The Empire Strikes Back (Kershner, 1980)
6. The Last Temptation of Christ (Scorsese, 1988)
7. Crimes and Misdemeanors (Allen, 1989)
8. The Right Stuff (Kaufman, 1983)
9. Do the Right Thing (Lee, 1989)
10. Sophie's Choice (Pakula, 1982)

Yoggoth -

4. Raiders of the Lost Ark (Spielberg, 1981)
5. Blade Runner (Scott, 1982)
6. The Empire Strikes Back (Kershner, 1980)
7. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Gilliam, 1988)
8. The Princess Bride (Reiner, 1987)
9. Grave of the Fireflies (Takahata, 1988)
10. Back to the Future (Zemeckis, 1985)

Our top 3 will follow shortly.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm really hoping that either The Neverending Story or Meatballs III: Summer Job make it into the top 3!!

yoggoth said...

Who gave you my list? It was tough deciding between Meatballs 3 and Revenge of the Nerds 2: Nerds in Paradise.

Anonymous said...

How about Police Academy, soo many good ones to choose from? I vote for Citizens on Patrol (C.O.P. - how clever!)