Bitin' on a bullet, pullin' out all of his hair
Shotgun Willie got all of his family there
You can't make a record if you ain't got nothin' to say
You can't make a record if you ain't got nothin' to say
You can't play music if you don't know nothin' to play
(Repeat 1st verse)
Well, John T. Fours was a' workin' with the Klu Klux Klan
The six foot five John T was a hell of a man
Made a lot of money sellin' sheets on the family plan
(Repeat 1st verse)
hahahhahha. thanks, i needed that. yes that is easily the worst album cover i have ever seen as well.
It's not spectacular or anything, but why is this the worst album cover?
Well, obviously there are many candidates for the title of "worst album cover ever," but I think it's the contrast between the attempted "flash" and "excitement" of the shotgun drawing and the extremely mellow look on Willie's face that really doesn't mesh the way it was likely intended to. Also, the way the gun is drawn it looks like something out of Looney Tunes; I'm almost positive that if you turned the barrel to the side you would see "ACME" etched into it.
Speaking of strange albums, I picked up 'Has Been' by William Shatner this weekend. I had heard the album a couple of years ago and after reading the allmusic guide's review (by none other than Mr. Erlewine) I knew I had to get it.
It's actually a good album you know. Starts off with 'Common People' and then goes into a sorta spoken word thing for a while. It's really fascinating cause it all sounds so autobiographical and you wonder if some of the stories he's singing/speaking about are true (like swimming down into the ocean to recover his wife's dead body). I know people will laugh when they hear it's William Shatner, but I think of all people LE you would appreciate it. If you promise you'll show at your big brother's b-day party I'll even burn you a copy.
How is there any question Zrbo? Look at the sub-clip art gun. Notice the questionable grey-on-black color scheme. Stop to consider that Willie's smiling face is being shot straight at you FROM BOTH BARRELS. Who heard the name 'Shotgun Willie' and decided that taking a picture of Willie Nelson holding a shotgun, or just sitting on some rundown porch with on by his side would be too easy and that shooting him at potential listeners was a better idea?
I guess I just don't see it as 'worst album cover', sure it's unspectacular, but it doesn't scream at me 'look at me I'm a piece of shit!'
Really for me, the worst album cover has to be garish and over the top, as well as having to be a bit dated. Basically take any 80's metal album done in a 'Heavy Metal' (the cartoon) style, add some bright colors and badly dated hair/makeup/costumes. Like Europe's 'Final Countdown', or the Village People's 'Renaissance'. Now those are bad album covers. To me, Willie's just being Willie. It's not really anything I wouldn't expect from a 70's Willie Nelson album cover, that's all.
I believe Yoggoth actually had some of that William Shatner album at one point, and we ended up listening to "Common People" and a couple of other songs. Definitely entertaining, but I don't know if I'd put it up there with Sticky Fingers just yet.
I will neither confirm nor deny my appearance at my brother's b-day party.
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