Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yoggoth's Thoughts On This Year's Oscar-Nominated Films

(as told to Little Earl over the phone)

Black Swan: "The world's greatest ballerina going insane movie...could only be so good."

The Fighter: "Christian Bale - you can tell he really really wants to be an actor. Also he likes to gain and lose a bunch of weight. That's his ace in the hole - gaining and losing weight."

The King's Speech: "Why is Geoffrey Rush a 'supporting actor'? He's in like the whole movie. Like, every scene the king is in, he is in."

True Grit: "It didn't have any of the usual Coen Brothers idiosyncracies, except throughout the movie the characters keep having arguments about arcane legal terminology. I don't know if you'll get as much of a kick out of that as I did."

127 Hours: "That was like a gigantic exercise in pain tolerance. It was like 'What if you were in the most horrible situation ever, and how would it feel to be in that exact situation?' "


Herr Zrbo said...

"The King's Speech: "Why is Geoffrey Rush a 'supporting actor'? He's in like the whole movie. Like, every scene the king is in, he is in."

Wow, that's exactly what I said, except it was in reference to Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit. How the hell is she nominated for 'best supporting actress'? The movie was about her character, told from her perspective, and she had the most screentime. If that doesn't qualify as a 'best actress' role I just don't get the Oscars.

Little Earl said...

Whenever I talk to Yoggoth on the phone, I always ask him if he's heard any new music or seen any new movies since we've last talked ("new" meaning "new to him," not necessarily recent or current). For the last year or so he's told me he hasn't heard or seen anything whatsoever.

So last night I was prepared to tease him for having totally lost interest in art and pop culture, and then he mentioned that he'd seen almost ALL of the Oscar-nominated movies, and asked me how many I'd seen myself.

I have seen a total of ONE movie this year. Not one Oscar-nominated movie; one MOVIE. That movie was The Social Network. Yoggoth has apparently been kicking my ass. It sounds like you are as well, Zrbo.

I'm probably going to go see The King's Speech later today though.