Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Daring Poverty of Our English Hotels

English hotel rooms are tiny. If you get a room with two beds, one of them will be a foldout sofa with no frame--a mushy lumpy mass of sub-Ikea grade fluff. Or perhaps that's just the Holiday Inn Express in Southampton.

Another observation--English pubs serve beer without almost any carbonation, making it much easier to drink.


Little Earl said...

Sounds pretty daring.

How's the exchange rate?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having tons of fun out there.

When you are at the wedding, just remember to announce: "I'm glad to be here, congratulations, and happy birthday to my friend Justin."

yoggoth said...

Ahhh, back in the states. The exchange rate is terrible, with the pound costing more than 2 dollars. As for this Justin, I don't know him, but I hope you had a wonderful time ninquelote.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

yoggoth said...

Aww shucks delila, thanks. Even if you are just an insurance spam blog.